Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bus Trip for a day in Penang

One of our days in Penang, we decided to take a bus to the other side of the island. There were lots of things to do on the other side as you will soon see!

Our 1st stop was at Penang National Park. There were hiking trails all over the park but we picked a short walking trail.  Here is a little fishing village on the water.

There were a ton of monkeys in this park!

As we were gawking over the monkeys, we had several Komodo dragons cross our path while on the walk. Super cool creatures!

Had to make a pit stop for a family photo.

Next stop was the Spice Garden.  Although they grow tons of spices, this was more of a botanical garden. Signs guided our way as we hiked through the trails.

Here Oliver is checking out a beautiful vine flower. We smelled and examined every plant along the trail...just for fun.

A bricked walkway heading up the hill. Surprise!

Lots of wildlife at the Spice Garden too.  
This blue bumble bee took the show with its vibrant blue color.

There were several water falls along our walk. Aaron was practicing his water shooting skills here.

There were a couple of fun things along the way.  One was this giant swing.  You could swing high enough over the platform that it looked like you were swinging high up in a tree.  Don't worry though, there was a safety net in case we fell!

Sadly, the safety net had holes and I dropped my glasses down into the stream below.  I had to sneak down part of the mountain in search of my glasses.  I found the glasses and didn't get yelled at by any of the workers there but Aaron had fun capturing my embarrassing moment!

Lastly, as we were exiting the garden, there was an amazing playground.  I took part in the slides but because the slides were tubes, both boys wouldn't play on the slides.

After leaving the Spice Garden, we took the bus to one of the main bus terminals to switch bus lines. On the way to our next destination (as the sun was setting) we saw this pretty amazing view up on the hill.  The pointed building is the Kek Lok Si Temple. It has 3 different architectural styles from top to bottom.  The large octagonal structure on the left is a 30.2 meter Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, statue. 

Close to dark, we arrived at Penang Hill!

Here is the track going up to the top of the hill. 
We waited for about 20 minutes for our ride to come get us.

The funicular arrives!

Going up!

Still going up the hill here, but looking down at the track.

At the top of the hill!

Penang all lit up. You can see the bridge connecting  Penang to Butterworth.

Aaron playing with our camera.

Here you can see all around Penang.  Our homestay was on the left hand side of the mountain but we spent the day on the bus on the right hand side of the mountain.

As we will learn later in our trip, monkeys are very territorial.  They will not hesitate to attack you if they feel threatened.  We did not see any monkey on the hill but there were warning signs. Wonder if we can get one of these for our house?

We made it back to our homestay late this night.  It was a super fun adventure but exhausting!

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