Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quick Review

Yet again I am playing catch up! I am not sure how we have managed to get so busy but we are.  Carson is on swim team and doing cub scouts.  Oliver just started pre-school and is also playing basketball.  Seeing 3 and 4 year olds in basketball is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Aaron is doing ultimate frisbee 2 times a week and I am playing soccer 2 times a week.  And this doesn't count all the countless parties (birthday, pcs-ing (when people move on or off the island), just for fun, etc). Aaron and I also started our dive certification so we will be finishing that today with our last open water dives! I will have to make a post on that by itself soon.  For now, here are a few photos from the last few weeks: 

Oliver's 1st day of Pre-School

A great way to be welcomed to Oliver's new school! A sign just for Oliver!

Oliver was determined to walk to school but I was trying to get him to ride in the trailer so this is the photo I was granted as I was trying to negotiate with him.

We had the honor of being granted permission to tour USS John Paul Jones.  MIT's work here parallels this destroyers (yes some military ships also double as research vessels too!) so the officers were very excited to have people aboard that understood what all the different components were on the ship.  We were personally shown around by the Commander Officer which was a special treat! We loved hearing stories from someone so experienced in the military.  I later learned that this ship was also used in the recent Battleship movie.  For more information about this ship click here.

It was amazing to see the inner workings of the ship! Carson was so excited to sit in a seat of power! Carson has the ship's hat on, usually reserved for the crew (the Commanding Officer was very generous allowing us to purchase a hat for Carson and a belt buckle for Oliver).

After our tour, Carson and Oliver (and the rest of the MIT kids) were presented with the ship's coin by the Commanding Officer. 'In Harm's Way' was written everywhere on the ship.  Later I learned this is part of the ship's motto taken from John Paul Jones words, 
"I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."

Oliver turned 3 on Sept 21st! We had a fun little gathering of friends and Oliver received some gifts from family stateside which was a super special treat.

Carson not only started swim team but he had his first swim meet.  He was nervous but swam and had a lot of fun.  In the picture he is the one below the diving board.  He swam 50 yards each of freestyle, backstroke, and breast stroke (his favorite stroke).

Oliver at Basketball!

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