Sunday, September 6, 2015

Beginning of 4th Grade

Yet again I am playing catch-up.  We have all survived the Kwaj Crud and are feeling back to our normal selves again.  Right as we were recovering from the Crud, Carson started 4th Grade (that happened on August 27th).  He was very nervous but had a great 1st day.  He made us ride to school with him and pick him up for lunch and after school for a few days but the next week he became more confident and rode to and from school alone.  One of the unique things about school here (and Aaron's work) is that they get to come home for lunch.  Carson goes to school from 830 am to 1130 am, has lunch break from 1130 am to 1230 pm, then school again from 1230 pm to 330 pm.  It has been a great experience to prepare proper lunches at home for all of us! Here are few pictures from Carson's 1st day of 4th Grade!

Carson loves biking to and from school! One of the norms on island is rain.  It rained as we were biking to school then started pouring right as we arrived at the school.

Oliver and I escorting Carson to school.  Aaron was taking the photo from the back.

Carson with his teacher Mrs. Primo 
(there is usually only 1 class per grade, K-12.  Carson's school building is comprised of K-6th grade)

Even in 4th grade, Carson still enjoys a hug from his momma

Oliver and I picked Carson up after school.  As you can see it is still raining!

Oliver in his rain gear.  Riding behind my bike can be a wet affair especially when it is raining and there are puddles.  So Oliver has a full body rain suit, boots, and an umbrella to keep him dry.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this post, Dorina, and congrats to Carson on getting started in school! The classroom looks nice and the commute looks beautiful, even if wet. I love how we can follow your adventures in this blog, thanks again. - Kimber Lynn
