Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To Organic or not to Organic? That is the Question.

Well it is official we are going everything! So now my new challenge to coupon to make organic a great deal. I didn't realize that my coupons were leading me astray. I was just looking for the next best deal, next best freebie and I lost track of what I am feeding my family! Yikes! I went through my cupboards and would have been embarrassed to announce what all was in there. Not to mention my fridge and freezer! The things in my freezer and fridge went in the garbage but I have two boxes of food from my pantry that need to go to the food bank. I feel terrible passing on this unhealthy food to someone else but when you don't have anything something is good. I keep getting asked by friends why did you make this choice and how can you afford it? Well I know why I did it. The statistics about our food and health is scary enough but the thought of how our food is made and where is comes from is even scarier. So for our health, for the support of those true farms who raise their animals humanely and naturally, and for the environment we are going organic. As I have done research about organic couponing I have found a great website that will help me but mostly I think I will be on my own. Which I am ok with. Just today I got 8 bags of natural shredded cheese, 8 boxes of organic mac n cheese, 4 jars (for lack of a better word) of organic juice, and 2 packages of natural pita bread for 14 dollars! So my stockpiling continues (I am calculating what we will use until the summer when we plan to move) and amazingly my coupons continue! I know I will probably splurge more on produce which I do plan on buying more of...some organic and some conventionally. And I know I will splurge more on meat as I will be buying organic, naturally raised, and 100% grass fed meat. But if I can continue to save on other things supporting those farmers who stay true to nature will be worth the added cost. Now if only I could figure out how to make my webpage super cool!

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