Just when I thought things couldn't get any busier here on our tiny island, Halloween came! For Halloween there was one activity after another from kid activities to adult activities. Carson's school had a costume parade and each class had their own parties.
Carson and his classmates (only a few pictured here as there were 4 teams)
had a mummy making contest.
Oliver's class trick or treated around 6 buildings on the island, including the hospital, Aaron's work, and the Commander's Headquarters. Here is Oliver during morning line-up.
The kids loved riding around on a bus for the morning!
Oliver trick or treating at the hospital.
Aaron and I at the Vet's Hall Halloween Party.
There was also a zombie run, a fun obstacle course set up around the island where each runner is given 5 flags to be worn on around their waist (think flag football). As you go through the obstacles around the island, there are zombies (made up by a hollywood makeup artist who is a resident on the island) who try to take your flags. If you lose all 5 flags, you don't survive the zombie apocalype but if you make it with any flags (Aaron and Carson made it with 1 flag left) then you are a survivor. This run was too scary for Oliver so he and I didn't make it to the event but Carson and Aaron had a great time! Here is Carson's video of the Zombie Run from his view (the camera was strapped to his head):
And then there was the Shaving Cream Social. They fill a ditch area with water (it was a little low this year for some odd reason) and give the kids a can of shaving cream. The little kids have no idea what to do but the older kids really have a lot of fun tagging their friends with shaving cream.
To make things just a little busier Aaron and I have been busy diving as we finished our scuba certifications. Our plan is to start our advanced diving class in the next couple of weeks but to do that, we need to be pretty comfortable in the water. We are starting to feel very comfortable in the water now but are still perfecting everything that goes along with diving under water!
Me (Dorina) diving at the Ski Area Wreck
(Boat is a Japanese Maru that sunk during WWII)
Aaron and his buddies diving at the Prinz Eugen
(A German war ship that sunk accidentally just after WWII)