Well this is our second time starting a blog (let me revise that) Aaron started a blog forever ago when we moved to Atlanta however it wasn't as user friendly as blogspot makes it so it fell to the wayside. I have wanted to start a blog for a long time especially being a stay at home mom where I talk to a 3 year old all day. :) Seeing some friends and family start their blogs has refreshed this need to share my day to day activities, cute thing's Carson does that I don't always remember the next day, and of course sharing my newest passion for saving money with coupons!
I love anything that has to do with History and love scrapbooking although I haven't had much time for that lately (lately means the last 3 years!). However, I do hope to start scrapbooking every chance I get to make up for that lost time.
Being a stay at home mom isn't as simple as it sounds (as any other stay at home parent will attest to). I try to provide a home for Carson that encourages learning and exploration within a broad range of areas. People always ask me how I taught Carson a certain thing and I can't always tell them exactly what I did. I can tell them I don't make Carson sit in a chair for hours while I drill things into him. He just seems to soak things up as our day progresses (mostly through play, arts/crafts, outings, etc). I also run a very sucessful playgroup which again takes time and research but I love it! Having this playgroup has provided Carson with untold amounts of social skills and has also provided invaluable friendships for Aaron and I with other parents.
Welcome to our family blog! We hope you will enjoy hearing about our days!